Sunday, February 22, 2009

Another Great Birthday!

Well I celebrated another birthday, 32nd to be exact. If is funny, I remember when my mom turned 30 I thought she was ancient. I have decided ancient is fine with me. Thanks to a great husband and kids my birthdays are always awesome. They surprised me this year by taking me to Flagstaff to play in the snow. We really like to take a trip to the snow every year to go sledding and such. I was in no condition to sled, so I got to just relax and be in charge of the hot chocolate! I love spur of the moment trips, when we pull the kids out of school, and just spend some much needed family time. What was even nicer is that I didn't have to do any of the prep work. Billy talked to all the teachers and took care of all the arrangements. All I had to do was check suitcases, (Billy forgets to pack some pretty essential things when he is in charge), and we were off. We like to stay at a Best Western there that has an indoor swimming pool, so we would play in the snow and then go swimming. It was the best. I didn't cook a lick, I didn't clean a lick, and Reagan made sure that I got sang to when we went out to eat. Anyways it was a blast, and I so appreciate my kids and especially Billy for making my birthday really special. I love you guys!


Lachelle Merrill said...


Cadi said...

Major jealousy going on here! So awesome. Billy needs to be nominated for "Best Husband Birthday Thrower".

Good Job Billy!

Becca said...

Happy Birthday!! There is more snow in flagstaff than in Maryland.

dustyperle said...

I was hoping you would have some awesome baby belly pics with this post. Can't wait to see you at bunco gal. Happy birthday! Oh and I thought my mom was ancient at 40 so you still have a few more years in my book.