Yesterday while waiting in line at Target with Landon and Garrett, I had another moment where I wanted crawl into a hole. We happened to be standing right in front of a Man who I am sure is a very nice man. He was also a man who happened to be missing quite a few teeth. Garrett was so completely taken with this man. The man smiled at him and asked him if he was having a good day. Garrett piped back "Did you Lose your teeth" and then emphatically says "You are a Dad and you lost teeth" I am trying to quietly get him to please pipe down. Then he says "Hey did the Tooth Fairy come and see you? I want the Tooth Fairy to come see me" I am trying really hard to quietly get him to refrain from talking about the poor guys teeth, then Garrett even louder "Hey mom hes a dad and he lost his teeth! Do you think the Tooth Fairy will come and visit him even though he is a dad?" I finally get finished paying for my stuff and am quickly herding Garrett out the door, when Garrett turns around and yells to the poor guy, "Don't forget to put your baby teeth under your pillow, so the Tooth Fairy will come see you!"
I really hope that man had a good sense of humor.
Hee, hee.
I can hear his sweet voice saying all that...so hysterical!!! glad it was you and not me though. Thanks for the funny!
Thank heaven Josh is shy..He would never, ever talk to a stranger! Or people he knows for that matter. I love Garrett, that is great you wrote this down1
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