Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Back To School

Well it seems crazy, but school is here. The kids were all ready to get back. I guess Billy and I are pretty boring. Karynn is starting 4th grade, Dallin 3rd, Reagan Kindergarten, and Garrett will be going to Preschool soon. This is a picture of the kids right before meet the teacher.

Karynn's teacher is Ms. Novotny. Karynn has loved the first couple days of school. She has informed me that Ms. Novotny is the coolest teacher ever. On the first day of school they had Messy Monday where they do science experiments. Karynn loved it. She was also excited that quite a few of her friends are in her class this year. GO KARYNN!!!!!!

Dallin's teacher is Mrs. Weinstein. He has really liked her so far. I wonder if bringing him to meet her with his Mohawk gave the wrong impression. Hee! Hee! Dallin is also excited that he tested into the ELP program. We hear they do some pretty cool stuff in there.

Reagan is a big bad Kindergartner now! She is soooooo excited to be in school with Karynn and Dallin. We were a bit worried about sending her all day with her having such a late birthday. We expected her to come home wasted. Boy were we wrong. She comes home jumping, chatty, and so excited. Her teacher is Ms. Moody. Ms. Moody was Dallin's 2nd grade teacher, and we love her. Reagan has also found a new best friend at school. The funny part is that Reagan is the shortest in the class and Addy is the tallest by far. She talks about her nonstop!
The first dy of school. The kids woke up so early. Billy woke up at 5:30 and Karynn was already dressed and ready! I guess maybe they were a bit excited. Garrett thought the whole morning that he was going to be able to go too. When the kids got on the bus, he cried and cried. He felt a bit shafted. He will start preschool in 2 weeks! He will love it!


dustyperle said...

I love the line up photo's on the first day of school, I think I have one of those for every year I was in school. We always looked so geeky not cute and adorable like your kids.

Kristen said...

ELP is Awesome! It was the best thing about school for Ceres. Dallin's going to love it. Ceres' ELP was at Field Elementary. Is that where Dallin is going? I have a little post about it on my blog if you want to check it out.

SuperCoolMom said...

Hey Karen! I am lovin' my fabulous Bunco prizes! Thank you! Your kids are DaRLiNg! Back to School Day is just about my favorite holiday!

Crazymamaof6 said...

OY take off the school name! that is not safe! you never know who is looking at your blog. i totally didn't see that before.

thanks for the comment! loved finally meeting you too. i'd heard about you. and your love of miss moody before. now i have a face for your name. i bet Dallin and my son Peyton are in ELP together this year. 3rd and 4th go on the same day. i love ELP!
Oh and i have a coupon for Real Deals. i should pass it along to you. 15% off one item.