Monday, March 16, 2009


Grandpa Kim says we need to name little things Reagan says as a Reaganism. She tends to have quite a lot to say, and when it comes out I just to remind myself that it came from Reagan. So here is my Reaganism for today, or at the very least this morning.......

Reagan: "Mom, Karynn says that if I watch T.V. all the time I will get fat."

Me: "It isn't good for you to watch T.V. all the time"

Reagan: "On Meet the Robinson's, there is the guy that watches T.V. all the time and he is very fat."

Me: "Well Reagan it isn't good for your body to watch T.V. all the time, your body needs exercise."

Reagan: "So mom, you must watch T.V. alot."

I think springbreak is going to kill my self esteem!